Thursday, April 7, 2011

Making sense

is what we do
2 plus 2 and blue is blue.
Still, when I love you’s the deal
making sense is so untrue.
Human insight messed by love
Scrambles thought waves
like a ball struck dove.
Making sense don’t make me laugh.
To be alive is a constant thrash.
She says, I say
Come on Babe,

Trust me , I’m your slave.
Making sense don’t be a fool
All it does is leave you screwed.

Rethinking a poem

Every girl I ever knew
reminds me
of every girl I ever knew.
Same soft
Same light
Same waiting every night
Same body
Same end

Every man
            dancing eyes
            little boy sighs
           just one of the guys
           stroking the same
totem’s pole.

This poem came out of my brain some time in the early 80's I think.  And while I believe it's meaning perfectly clear some friends and poets suggested maybe I could further elucidate why a person in the 80's should feel so objectified.  So,

The Same . . .

He thinks,

Why is it that
Every girl I ever knew
Reminds  me of
Every girl I ever knew?
Same soft
Same light
Same waiting every night
Same body
Same end

And she thinks,

Why is it that every man
Reminds me of
Every man I've ever known,
   Same dancing eyes
   little boy sighs
   Same just one of the guys
   stroking his
   totem pole.

And then they both say
The same time

the same words they always say . . .

Well, that doesn't make things clearer to me, it makes it a different poem.